A Bandwagon of Friends

I could hear in his voice and see in the stress of his facial skin that he had not smelled the flowers 💐 for maybe two decades. My first emotion was sorry. I felt sorry that this man had no gift to share. My sorrows left after learning he was in company. He did have a bandwagon full of little straw men. The wagon was big and red with old fashion gas lights to shine his path into the dark. The man was a real Texas sharpshooter firing deadly slothy inductions and hasty generalizations at his prey. Unaware, unknowing prey. His favorite kills came from the middle ground, where the burden of proof was low. Here, the true Scotsman could enjoy a visit with Mr. Ad Hominem for coffee and anecdotal cakes. I would suggest Tu Quoque, but I doubt that would sit well, so I shall not criticize with criticism. Instead, I shall leave this man alone with his brood. Perhaps someday we can find a means to help those ill-equipped to handle the beauty of the flowers. For now, we will have to endure the screams and cries from perils that are not there. ~jennwren